About me

What I'm doing now

This page was updated Aug 16, 2024.

I live in La Rochelle, France, where I enjoy cycling and sailing.

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Quick bio πŸ’»

I run Remotive, world's largest remote work community, est. 2014.

Remotive is a bootstrapped and profitable business.

Along with my business partner Adrien, we're a team of 3.

I also help tech professionals navigate their careers, through consulting.

Long bio πŸ’»πŸ’»

l spent most of my twenties working abroad: London, Munich, Shanghai, New York, Cape Town, Malaga…

In 2018, I wrote a novel in French & ran Remotive part-time.

In 2014-2017, I joined Buffer and became Director of Operations, helping them scale from 15 to 85 employees. Remotive started as a side project in 2014.

In 2013, I took a sabbatical to sail and curate digital art.

In 2011-2012, I sold SaaS products at Google.

In 2010, I graduated from Business School and interned at Accenture.

Remote Work 🌏

In 2014, I started advocating for Remote work. I've been vocal on social networks.

Hobbies 🚲

I’m a voracious reader. I love cycling, cooking and sailing.

Advising ✨

I advised Outsite (2015-2020). I’m excited to work with a small number of individuals and startups over the long term.

Public speaking 🎀

I was an active public speaker (2011-2019), doing speaking engagements in 10+ countries on topics ranging from productivity to remote work.
I've stopped all public speaking for now.

Say Hello πŸ‘‹

I’d love to hear from you.
You can find me on Twitter and LinkedIn, DMs are open.
I’m not using Instagram nor TikTok.
I default to asynchronous communications and try to avoid Zoom calls.

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